Personnel Committee Meeting
Notice of Meeting
Meeting to be held in the Pavilion (main room), Ford Lane, Alresford at 7.30pm on Wednesday 5th of February 2025
Face coverings may be worn should attendees wish to do so. Hand sanitiser will be available.
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Schedule 12, paragraphs 10 (2) (b) Councillors are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting of Alresford Parish Council, by the clerk and proper officer for the purpose of transacting the following business:
02.25.20 Announcements: Chairman to make announcements.
02.25.21 Apologies for Absence.
02.25.22 Minutes of the last monthly meeting: To review and approve the minutes of the meeting of the 8th of January 2025.
02.25.23 Declarations of Interests: Councillors present to declare pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest in agenda items.
02.25.24 Public Forum under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, Section 1 (1) This council is committed to community engagement and welcomes members of the public to contribute in this part of the meeting. Time limit 3 mins per person. Item limited to 10 minutes.
During the public forum: Members of the public and guests can address the Council on matters presented on the publicised agenda. The Council can only take decisions on agenda items. Matters raised and not on the agenda can be carried forward for a response later. Any questions not presented to the council far enough in advance may be noted and responded to at another time.
After the public forum: Members of the public are asked to respect that this is a meeting to conduct council business and interruptions during the remainder of the meeting are not permitted.
02.24.25 Finance Matters. January 2025 Finance Report - Council to review.
02.25.26 Planning Matters: Application number 25/00048/VOC Location: 16 Ford Lane, Alresford. Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act for Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) of application 24/01587/FULHH to vary drawing number to suit altered first floor wall.
For Information only. Application number 24/01230/DOVO5 Deed of Variation under Section 106A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, of the terms of the legal agreement dated 11th September 2019, linked to planning permission 18/00367/FUL to ensure mortgage exclusion clause is sufficient for lenders. Location Land North of Cockaynes Lane, Alresford, Essex, CO7 8BT.
02.25.27 VE Day 80th Anniversary: Council to consider how to mark the occasion and whether or not to purchase items from the Royal British legion to commemorate the evet. Flags or lamp post signs as appropriate?
02.25.28 Alresford Village Signs: council to consider in light of devolution and Tendring District Councils future demise, whether expenditure on signs on the Wivenhoe Road and Thorrington Road (Tenpenny Hill) for “Tendring District Council welcome to Alresford” signs is now appropriate.
02.25.29 Dog Fouling: Council to consider lamp post signs and other measures to deter dog fouling, and remind residents of fines. PCSO working with school to raise awareness and highlight the anti-social issue. Council to discuss and resolve action.
02.25.30 Wildlife: Ornithology report from Cllr E Osborne regarding fields adjacent to St Peters Church.
02.25.31 Policing in Essex. Update on announcement made by the Police Fire and Crime Commissioner Roger Hurst on 28th January 2025.
02.25.32 Results of the Essex Playing Fields Association Awards Event.
02.25.33 Personnel Committee recommendations:
A: It is proposed that the clerk obtains an enhanced DBS, council to approve.
B: The committee recommends to council that the handyman’s hours be increased by 10hrs each month to cover the increased workload of both Staunton Gate North and South. Increased costs to be covered by S106 planning gains for maintenance.
02.25.34 Waste Recycling: Following new legislation on recycled waste, our contract with CHS Waste management will require the council to review and possibly implement greater levels of waste recycling at the Pavilion and Village Hall. Council to discuss costs as quoted by CSH. Proposal Council to consider positioning an additional waste receptacle, in partnership with the Village Hall, to take cardboard and paper.
02.25.35 Kerbstones Coppice Road Area. Latest News regarding potential ECC Highways Works
02.25.36 Pavilion Revised Lease arrangements with Alresford Village Hall Management Committee (Trustees). Council to instruct Ellisons Solicitors to draft a lease agreement before any meeting of the Working Party is held. The Working party will then consider the contents of the document before making recommendation to Full Council.
02.25.37 Website Update. Clerk to inform councillors on update and proposed launch date.
02.25.38 Broadband: Talk-Talk costs set to increase 6%, council to discuss delegation to clerk to review broad-band providers in light of low speed and poor service.
02.25.39 Toilet Block Update: Toilet Block groundworks/boundary fence relocation. Proposal: It is resolved that up to £8000 is allocated from s106 monies for groundworks/fence relocation associated with the new toilet block.
02.25.40 Love Your Bus: Initiative Update
02.25.41 District Councillor’s report (Written Report) and 5 min verbal report.
02.25.42 Essex County Councillor Report (Written Report) and 5 min verbal report.
02.25.43 PCSO/Police Report.
02.25.44 Clerks Report.
02.25.45 Meeting Ends.
Prepared by the Clerk/Proper Officer: Matt Cooke Published: 29.01.2025
Personnel Committee Meeting
Notice of Meeting
Meeting to be held in the Pavilion (main room), Ford Lane, Alresford at 10.00am on Monday 27th of January 2025
Face coverings may be worn should attendees wish to do so. Hand sanitiser will be available.
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Schedule 12, paragraphs 10 (2) (b) Committee members are hereby summoned to attend the Personnel Committee Meeting of Alresford Parish Council, by the clerk and proper officer for the purpose of transacting the following business:
File: PersonnelCommitteemeetingJan2025.docx
Parish Council Meeting
Notice of Meeting Meeting to be held in the Pavilion (main room), Ford Lane, Alresford at 7.30pm on Wednesday 8th of January 2025
Face coverings may be worn should attendees wish to do so. Hand sanitiser will be available.
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Schedule 12, paragraphs 10 (2) (b) Councillors are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting of Alresford Parish Council, by the clerk and proper officer for the purpose of transacting the following business:
File: 01_2025_Agenda_APC_DefinitiveFinal.docx
prepared by the Clerk /Proper Officer: Matt Cooke 02.01.25
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Finance Committee to be held on Tuesday 17th December 2024 in the Pavilion, Ford Lane.
The press and members of public are cordially invited to attend.
24/031 |
Apologies for absence: To note any apologies.
24/032 |
Declaration of interests: To state any interests in the below agenda items.
24/033 |
Minutes of the last Meeting: To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of the 16th October 2024.
24/034 |
To receive an update on actions from the last meeting not covered elsewhere in this agenda.
24/035 |
Draft Budget for 2025/26. To consider a recommendation to full council for a budget and precept for 2025/26. To consider reserves when setting the precept.
24/036 |
Bank Accounts i) To consider current deposits. ii) To consider transfers of deposits and whether opening a new savings account is required to maximise interest return and protect deposits.
24/037 |
Date of next meeting. The next meeting will be to review the third quarter 2024/25 income and expenditure.
24/038 |
Meeting closes. |
Angela Baxter - RFO 12th December 2024
Parish Council Meeting
Notice of meeting
Meeting to be held in the Pavilion (main room), Ford Lane, Alresford at 7.30pm on Wednesday 4th of December 2024
Face coverings may be worn should attendees wish to do so. Hand sanitiser will be available.
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Schedule 12, paragraphs 10 (2) (b) Councillors are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting of Alresford Parish Council, by the clerk and proper officer for the purpose of transacting the following business:
prepared by the Clerk /Proper Officer: Matt Cooke 28.11.24
Parish Council Meeting
Notice of meeting
Meeting to be held in the Pavilion (main room), Ford Lane, Alresford at 7.30pm on Wednesday 6th of November 2024
Face coverings may be worn should attendees wish to do so. Hand sanitiser will be available.
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Schedule 12, paragraphs 10 (2) (b) Councillors are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting of Alresford Parish Council, by the clerk and proper officer for the purpose of transacting the following business:
File: 11_2024_Agenda_APC-1.docx
prepared by the Clerk /Proper Officer: Matt Cooke 31.10.24
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Finance Committee to be held on Wednesday 16th October 2024 in the Pavilion, Ford Lane.
The press and members of public are cordially invited to attend.
File: FinanceCommitteeAgenda16thOctober2024.pdf
Angela Baxter - RFO 11th October 2024
Parish Council Meeting
Notice of meeting
Meeting to be held in the Pavilion (main room), Ford Lane, Alresford at 7.30pm on Wednesday 2nd of October 2024
Face coverings may be worn should attendees wish to do so. Hand sanitiser will be available.
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Schedule 12, paragraphs 10 (2) (b) Councillors are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting of Alresford Parish Council, by the clerk and proper officer for the purpose of transacting the following business:
prepared by the Clerk /Proper Officer: Matt Cooke 26.09.24
Parish Council Meeting
Notice of meeting
Meeting to be held in the Pavilion (main room), Ford Lane, Alresford at 7.30pm on Wednesday 4th of September 2024
Face coverings may be worn should attendees wish to do so. Hand sanitiser will be available.
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Schedule 12, paragraphs 10 (2) (b) Councillors are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting of Alresford Parish Council, by the clerk and proper officer for the purpose of transacting the following business:
prepared by the Clerk /Proper Officer: Matt Cooke 29.08.24
Parish Council Meeting
Notice of meeting
Meeting to be held in the Pavilion (main room), Ford Lane, Alresford at 7.30pm on Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
Face coverings may be worn should attendees wish to do so. Hand sanitiser will be available.
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Schedule 12, paragraphs 10 (2) (b) Councillors are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting of Alresford Parish Council, by the clerk and proper officer for the purpose of transacting the following business:
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Finance Committee to be held on Thursday 13th June 2024 in the Pavilion, Ford Lane.
The press and members of public are cordially invited to attend.
24/011 |
Apologies for absence: To note any apologies.
24/012 |
Declaration of interests: To state any interests in the below agenda items.
24/013 |
Minutes of the last Meeting: To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of the 21st March 2024.
24/014 |
To receive an update on actions from the last meeting not covered elsewhere in this agenda.
24/015 |
Summary of 4th Quarter of 2023/24. The summary has been circulated. To review any material variances and answer any questions. To review reserves.
24/016 |
Financial Regulations NALC produced New Model Financial Regulations for Local Council in April 2024. To review the New Model and agree the adaptations of the template for the council.
24/017 |
Payment Cards i) Barclaycard. To discuss a recommendation to council that the full balance due be paid by direct debit every month. ii) Equals cards. To discuss a recommendation to council that it opens an Equals account for the purpose of providing named employees with a pre-paid card. To consider working balances for each card.
24/018 |
Savings Accounts To discuss the opening an additional savings account/s and options available.
24/019 |
Date of next meeting. The next meeting will be to review the year end finances.
24/020 |
Meeting closes. |
Angela Baxter - RFO 15th March 2024
Parish Council Meeting
Notice of meeting
Meeting to be held in the Pavilion (main room), Ford Lane, Alresford at 7.30pm on Wednesday 5th of June 2024
Face coverings may be worn should attendees wish to do so. Hand sanitiser will be available.
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Schedule 12, paragraphs 10 (2) (b) Councillors are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting of Alresford Parish Council, by the clerk and proper officer for the purpose of transacting the following business:
Annual Parish Council Meeting
Notice of meeting Meeting to be held in the Pavilion (main room), Ford Lane, Alresford at 7.30pm on Wednesday 1st of May 2024.
Face coverings may be worn should attendees wish to do so. Hand sanitiser will be available.
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Schedule 12, paragraphs 10 (2) (b) Councillors are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting of Alresford Parish Council, by the clerk and proper officer for the purpose of transacting the following business:
prepared by the Clerk /Proper Officer: Matt Cooke 27.04.24
Parish Council Meeting
Notice of meeting Meeting to be held in the Pavilion (main room), Ford Lane, Alresford at 7.30pm on Wednesday 3rd of April 2024.
Face coverings may be worn should attendees wish to do so. Hand sanitiser will be available.
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Schedule 12, paragraphs 10 (2) (b) Councillors are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting of Alresford Parish Council, by the clerk and proper officer for the purpose of transacting the following business:
File: 04_2023_Agenda_APC-1.docx
Prepared by the Clerk/Proper Officer: Matt Cooke 26.03.24
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Finance Committee to be held on Thursday 21st March 2024 in the Pavilion, Ford Lane.
The press and members of public are cordially invited to attend.
File: FinanceCommitteeAgenda21stMarch2024.pdf
Angela Baxter - RFO 15th March 2024
Parish Council Meeting
Notice of meeting
Meeting to be held in the Pavilion (main room), Ford Lane, Alresford at 7.30pm on Wednesday 6th of March 2024.
Face coverings may be worn should attendees wish to do so. Hand sanitiser will be available.
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Schedule 12, paragraphs 10 (2) (b) Councillors are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting of Alresford Parish Council, by the clerk and proper officer for the purpose of transacting the following business:
Prepared by the Clerk/Proper Officer: Matt Cooke 27.02.24